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Daily Strength Home Fitness Routine
  • Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.

  • Perform all sets for each exercise before moving on to the next exercise



  • Perform all 6 exercises one set at a time, back to back (with no rest).

  • Rest 30-60 seconds, then start again. 

  • Repeat the process a third time (if you are up for the challenge)

  • If you are working out three times a week, do the standard routine the first two times in the week, and the circuit the third time. 



If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact a trainer to work with you (face to face or online) or attend one of our regularly scheduled classes. 


**None of these exercises should feel painful, strenuous or difficult to do. If so, lighten the load by coming closer to the anchor. If it is still painful at all, discontinue that exercise until you can meet with a trainer or contact us for a consultation. You may need to switch to a lighter band or modify the exercise. 



More on the Bands (Safety)
1. Parallel Stance Deadlift

Listed below are three different ways to do this exercise. 


1. Basic Band Version

  • Start in a parallel stance

  • Keep the back straight

  • Keep a bend in the knees

  • Keep the eyes forward


2. Compound Band Version

  • This can be turned into a compound exercise by adding a row to the end of the deadlift. 

  • Keep the arms straight until completing the deadlift motion. Then pull the elbows straight back. 


3. Bodyweight Version 

  • This can be used when you don't have your bands with you. 

  • Hold the "weight" person at the ankles.

  • The weight person should hold a plank without letting their body bend. 

  • **Bodyweight versions should only be performed if you are confident in your partner's strength and ability to hold you. 

2. Standard Squat (No Bands)

To change the muscles worked in the squat, you can vary how wide apart the legs are set. 

  • A standard stance (just slightly wider than the shoulders) gives an even work load across the lower body

  • Narrowing the stance makes the outer thighs work harder.

  • Widening the stance makes the inner thighs work harder. 


For an extra challenge you can vary the width of your legs with each set. 


Make sure to keep your back as upright as possible as you squat, and keep your eyes forward so your head and posture stays upright. 


If you lack flexibility in your knees, and feel like you can't do it without leaning forward, you can do it up against a wall, or with a balance ball between you and a wall. 

3. Parallel Stance Back Row

1​) Band Version: 

  • Keep the knees bent

  • Keep the back upright and straight

  • Pull the elbows straight back. 


** One of the main advantages of band training (as opposed to training on machines) is that bands force you to use your core muscles to stabilize your body while you are doing the exercise. (As opposed to machines that hold your body in place for you).


As such, if done correctly, every movement is a total core workout. As you complete the exercise try to do the motion while holding your core in place. This makes the exercise much more effective overall. 


2) Bodyweight version: 

  • The anchor person: Knees bent, back upright and straight, with hands clasped together. 

  • The exerciser: Lay flat on your back. Grab onto the anchor's forearms and pull yourself up keeping your back straight. (Holding a plank). 

  • **Bodyweight versions should only be performed if you are confident in your partner's strength and ability to hold you. 

4. Parallel Chest Press

Like the Back Row, and the Deadlift, the parallel chest press has multiple variations: 

1. Standard parallel leg stance 

2. Staggered leg stance

3. Either way but with a partner's bodyweight instead of bands. 


Band Versions:​

  • Keep a bend in the knees

  • Keep the back straight and with an upright posture

  • For the staggered stance versions, take the back heel off the ground to make your core work harder, and to strengthen your ankles. 

  • To lower the difficulty, have the back heel on the ground. 



Bodyweight version: 

  • Have the partner hold their arms out straight with fists. Hold onto their fists as you do the exercise. (This provides the least amount of stress on your wrists and yours.

  • Make sure they maintain a perfectly straight (plank) body position as you move their body. 

  • **Bodyweight versions should only be performed if you are confident in your partner's strength and ability to hold you. 

5. Biceps Curl
  • Use a parallel stance

  • Keep a bent in both knees

  • Keep the back straight

  • Keep the elbow close to the body

  • Pull the hands up to the chest, bending from the elbows. 

6. Triceps Push-down Extension
  • Use a parallel stance

  • Keep a bend in both knees

  • Keep the back straight and core stiff

  • Keep the elbows close to the body

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